Associate Professor, Management
College of Business Administration
Management, Operations, & Marketing
Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH227
Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, University of Texas A&M, 2011.
MBA, University of New Mexico, 2005.
Management Theory and Practice, Organization and Environment, Executive Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Seminar in Organizational Behavior, Business Organization, Theory and Behavior, Strategic Leaderships in Organizations, Business Strategy, Graduate Projects, and Individual Studies
Leadership, followership, obedience, work teams, ethics, authority, and legitimacy; multicultural and technological/virtual aspects of group interaction; organizational life
- Hinrichs, A. (2023). Off-the-job embeddedness and work-related stress: the moderating effects of employee boundary management strategy. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 23(1), 1-19.
- Hinrichs, A. T. (2021). A review of motivation to learn and training motivation research. Western Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(1), 4-15.
- Hinrichs, A., Bradshaw, C., Kotrozo, J. (2019). Exploring the wine tasting experience: The role of individual differences, group size, and other contextual issues. Journal of Business Management and Change, 31-40.
- Zheng, X., Thundiyil, T., Klinger, R., Hinrichs, A. (2016). Curvilinear relationships between role clarity and supervisor satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(1), 110-126.
- Hinrichs, A., Hinrichs, K. T. (2014). The impact of justice orientation on the relationship between opponent’s reputation and choice of negotiating strategy. Western Journal of Human Resource Management, 13, 4-15.