May 13, 2024
Emily Campidonica

Emily Campidonica never let an opportunity pass her by as she worked toward her degree at Stan State. After completing her pre-requisite courses and transferring from junior college, she was accepted into the pre-licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing, where she quickly integrated and joined the Student Nurses Association (SNA) as the community outreach chair and secretary. 

In 2022, Campidonica also traveled to Ecuador to study abroad as part of a faculty-lead transcultural nursing course.  

“I tried to fill my cup not only academically but also socially,” Campidonica said. “I started networking within the school of nursing and the community. The connections I made with classmates and faculty have been invaluable to my success and development as I prepare to transition from a student to a registered nurse.” 

After graduating, Campidonica plans to  specialize in labor and delivery at a local hospital. She also has her sight set on leadership and educational roles aimed at empowering and guiding future nurses. 

“I plan to use my degree from Stan State to enhance the quality of life in our region by offering crucial support to women and families during their most vulnerable moments,” she said. “I’d be privileged to share in the journey of bringing new life into the world. My goal is to deliver empathetic, compassionate and culturally sensitive care to our community, ensuring that every individual receives the support and attention they deserve during this significant time in their lives.” 

#StanGrad File


Emily Campidonica


Ceres, CA


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

What memories stand out most from your time at Stanislaus State?

“It’s hard to choose just one memory that stands out the most from my time at Stanislaus State, however, spending countless hours studying in the Library or grabbing Starbucks between classes with my cohort members will forever hold a special place in my heart. Additionally, spending time in the skills lab connecting with one another was invaluable.”

Which faculty or staff member had the greatest impact on you, and why?

“Anne Stokman stands out for her unwavering belief in her students. She created a relationship that extended beyond an academic class and supported us, not only as students but humans too. Additionally, Wendy Matthews and Jenn Peltier have been instrumental in providing guidance, knowledge and serving as role models for the kind of nurse I aspire to become one day.” 

What advice would you give to current and future students?

“Just do it. Taking that initial leap of faith and believing in yourself is often the hardest part of any endeavor. Additionally, I would encourage both current and future students to never hesitate to ask for help. Every professor, classmate and advisor I’ve encountered during my journey at Stan State has been genuinely invested in my success and willing to offer support.” 

Note: This article is part of the StanGrad series highlighting Stanislaus State students who are part of the Class of 2024. Read more StanGrad profiles.