Stanislaus State recently honored three staff members for their outstanding performance and the significant impact they are making at the University.
Julia Spencer, Breanna McIntyre and Tracy Myers are the 2023 recipients of the California State University, Stanislaus Star Staff Awards of Excellence. The awards are were presented to staff members who have made a significant impact on the University through their outstanding dedication, competence, exceptional performance, excellent service to students and ingenuity.
The Star Staff Awards — for customer service, innovation and student success — were announced in June during Stan State’s annual Staff Picnic. All three recipients share one thing in common, they all graduated from a CSU and two of them are Stan State alumnae.
Customer Service Award
Julia Spencer - Disability Resource Services
Spencer graduated from Fresno State with her Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics with an emphasis in TESL in 2014. After graduation, she worked at Fresno State for four years at the American English Institute as an instructor and program support. In 2019, she made the move to Stan State as an administrative support coordinator in the Vasché Library with Disability Resource Services. Her passion for helping others is often noticed by students and her colleagues.
“For me, receiving the Customer Service Award was an unexpected surprise,” Spencer said. “As the coordinator for my department, I’m one of the first points of contact our office has with students and their families, as well as other staff members and faculty members. I’m very glad to know I’ve had a positive impact on how my office interacts with the campus community.”
Innovation Award
Breanna McIntyre – Office of Service Learning
McIntyre is a 2019 Stan State alumna with a Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and Exercise Science but returned after two years of working to work toward her Master of Public Administration. She started at Stan State as a work-study student in 2015 and coordinated large groups of volunteers from Stan State to support the United Samaritans with their annual Legacy of Hope fundraiser. She was also involved in providing leadership and support for Science Day. Since she became an administrative analyst/specialist in 2020, she has been an outstanding staff member in the Office of Service Learning. She was awarded the Innovation Award for her commitment to public education.
“Receiving the Innovation Award was surreal. It was a wonderful feeling to have my work and the work of the Office of Service Learning recognized and celebrated,” McIntyre said. “This would not have been possible without my wonderful team of colleagues in the Service Learning Center.”
Student Success Award
Tracy Myers - Academic Success Center
Myers, a Stan State Class of 2020 alumna with a Bachelor of Science in Business, is currently a student in the Doctoral Program for Educational Leadership. She started her service at Stan State as a Greek Life and Leadership program advisor and then switched to an academic advisor role. She has served as an academic advisor in several offices over the last seven years including Student Leadership and Development and the Academic Success Center before accepting the role of student retention coordinator in 2021.
“I was surprised and humbled to be selected for the Student Success Star Award,” Myers said. “I have been given the opportunity to be part of a group of caring and brilliant people who have enacted change for the better in our policies and procedures in the last year.
“I am extremely honored to be recognized as one of the many awesome staff members who represent Stan State and serve our students to the best of our abilities.”
In addition to the three honorees, staff members who reached 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of service milestones were also recognized during this year’s picnic.