Student Resources

The following link takes you to the AAMC list of core competencies that students should demonstrate to be successful candidates for medical school. These are also important for the other health professions.

Local Area Scribe Opportunities

Emanuel Medical Center

Vituity Scribes

Doctors Medical Center - Modesto

Vituity Scribes

Memorial Medical Center - Modesto

Vituity Scribes

Mercy Medical Center in Merced, Oak Valley Hospital in Oakdale, Stockton Cardiology in Manteca, and Doctors Hospital of Manteca

Scribe America

Modern Urgent Care (Ceres, Manteca, and Oakdale with a potential for Stockton in the future)

Provide a resume with your cover email requesting information on becoming a PA.


Summer Research Opportunities


(for students who reside in Stanislaus County that are accepted to various health career programs)

Updated: March 21, 2022