Instructional Support Mini-Grants: Fall 2022
Call for Proposals
The Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning invites proposals for grants up to $500 to support efforts to enhance instruction (in-person or remote instruction) and/or to promote new or innovative teaching and learning strategies connected to programmatic and/or institutional strategic priorities (such as the University Strategic Plan, High Impact Practices, Assessment, Diversity and Inclusion, Student Success, Discipline/Program learning outcomes etc.).
All instructional faculty (including full and part-time lecturers) who are not currently members of the Faculty Development Committee are eligible to participate. Preference will be given to those who haven’t received a FCETL instructional support mini grant in the previous academic year. If you receive funding you are required to file a brief end of year report with FCETL by May 15, 2023, describing the benefits of the funding and how it impacted your teaching and/or improved the campus climate for teaching and learning. Faculty who have not filed reports won’t be considered for future mini-grants until final reports have been submitted to the Director of the Faculty Center.
Instructional support mini-grants can be used for the following purposes:
- To develop and implement learner-centered pedagogies.
- To promote new and/or innovative teaching and learning strategies.
- To facilitate effective assessment of learner-centered pedagogies.
- To purchase instructional materials, supplies, software (please check to make sure the items are not available through the department, college, university, or library).
- To provide quality educational content that is more affordable for students.
- To support events/seminars open to faculty or the broader campus community that enhance the teaching and learning mission.
- To support retreats/workshops for curriculum development
If you have an idea for funding, but aren’t sure if it would qualify, contact for advice. Award money must be spent or encumbered as follows:
- Purchases using a Requisition: April 7
- Reimbursements: May 12
- Supplies: May 12
In order to process awards, applicants must provide original receipts documenting expenditures. Each eligible faculty member may submit one application. The application may include multiple projects provided the total funds requested don’t exceed the $500 maximum award. Requests may be submitted for projects/expenses incurred since August 17, 2022.
Grant proposals must be received no later than 11:59 pm Friday, October 21, 2022. Decisions will be made before the end of the fall semester and awardees notified soon thereafter.
Award criteria Proposals will be judged primarily on their potential positive impact on teaching and learning connected to programmatic and/or institutional strategic priorities (see attached revised rubric. Applicants are encouraged to check their submission against the rubric before submitting).
Application Procedure Complete the application form and submit your project description on the “Apply for Mini-Grants” button. Late applications will not be accepted, and incomplete proposals or proposals that do not otherwise comply with the proposal guidelines will not be considered by the committee.
Updated: April 13, 2023