March 19, 2014

Visitors to the CSU Stanislaus website today will find an entirely redesigned and modern look and feel, with an improved structure and navigation, among other benefits.

The website redesign process, driven by the Office of Communications and Public Affairs, has involved input from the campus community and marks the first major step forward for the university’s Web presence since the current site was launched in 2006.

The new site offers a cleaner, more contemporary look, with larger photos to highlight the natural beauty of the campus. An improved search engine makes the site more user-friendly, and new, audience-based navigation will make it easier for students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and community members to find the content they’re looking for.

Those accessing the site on mobile devices will notice a responsive design that instantly reconfigures itself for optimal use when viewed on a tablet or smartphone, making it vastly easier to keep up with university business while on the go.

Improvements are also in place for those responsible for updating department and division Web pages. The new website will employ the Drupal content management system, a Web-based interface that requires no additional software and allows authorized users to update a single piece of content and have it reflect across multiple locations on the site.

Training sessions for content editors across campus will be scheduled soon and will then extend to interested departments and faculty members who did not previously have editing capability.

While the new site has been in the works for several months, the public launch is only the first step of the next phase of its development. Faculty pages and some department pages will still need to be migrated to the new look — all are expected to be finished in time for the fall semester — and the Office of Communications and Public Affairs and Office of Information Technology will continue to refine the site and add functionality in the months and years to come.

Visitors to and users of the website can send any comments, suggestions, additions or requests for content updates to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs at