
Wednesday, May 08, 2024
1 - 5 p.m. PST


Warrior Fab Lab

Who is Invited

Campus Community, Alumni & Public
WEI | The WEI Fair

Make & Do

Warrior Fab Lab

Community and student entrepreneurs and startups will exhibit their innovative products, services and business ideas at this interactive demo zone. This can include prototypes, demos or presentations highlighting the uniqueness and potential of their venture. Engaging and interactive zones such as product testing areas, mini-maker workshops and technology demonstrations will be held. We feature our brilliant student work from the Fab Lab, which will add a dynamic element to the fair.

Join us for an interactive and immersive community experience where student entrepreneurs and startups come together to exhibit their innovative products, services, and business ideas, at our very own Fab Lab.

RSVP for the WEI Fair

Colorful abstract art.