Monday, Nov. 15, 2021
2 - 2:30 p.m. PST
Mary Stuart Rogers Building (MSR 130)
Who's Invited
Campus Community

Across numerous sectors, female leaders are rising to the helm of innovation, driving ingenuity in the face of crises. Through the shared attributes of humility, tenacity, benevolence, and pragmatism, these inspiring women are emerging as changemakers and pioneers – and leading innovative change that has already begun to generate global change in numerous beneficial ways.

This November 15-16, students on the Stanislaus State campus will have a unique opportunity to participate in conversations and learn about a wide range of topics including agriculture, sustainability, journalism, and others during sessions featuring award-winning journalist Amy Wu, From Farms to Incubators: Women Innovators Revolutionizing How Our Food Is Grown (Craven Street Books - April 20, 2021).  Sessions will feature conversations with the author and her journey through a documentary film and book, panels with student and faculty guests, and multiple opportunities to screen the short film. 

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