
Friday, Oct. 13, 2023
7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. PST


Event Center

Who is Invited

Campus Community, Alumni

Dr. Gina Garcia will be delivering a keynote address and facilitating a workshop on Transforming Hispanic Serving Institutions. Dr. Gina Garcia's work has illuminated the challenges and opportunities that Hispanic students encounter within higher education. Dr. Garcia’s Keynote will include an overview of her book, Transforming Hispanic Serving Institutions for Equity & Justice, and provide an organizational framework that advances equity, justice, and liberation for racialized organizations. She lays out the framework, which includes nine organizational dimensions, and offers examples from practice.

Guided by the Transforming HSIs organizational framework, Dr. Garcia provides an experience that is hands-on and helps participants conceptualize organizational transformation on their campus. More information about Dr. Gina Garcia

Register for the Event 

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