Friday, Apr. 22, 2022
5 - 6:30 p.m. PST
Who's Invited
Campus Community, Public
earth painting by Elena Mozhvilo

Join us for a presentation by Extinction Rebellion and Climate Action Now! for 40-60 minutes, followed by question + answer. They will discuss the climate crisis and what can be done about it.

Ellen Thompson: Listen to the !@#$%&* Qualified Scientists
Ellen graduated from UC Berkeley in 2021 with majors in Astrophysics and South & Southeast Asian Studies. After a brief stint in the Astronomy Ph.D. program at New Mexico State University, she returned to the bay area to pursue career interests in STEM Education. She currently works as a multi-subject freelance tutor and is excited to be fighting against the climate crisis with an Extinction Rebellion.

Hank Pellisier: Extinction Rebellion – Values, Demands & Actions
Hank is an education writer and nonprofit organization director. He has written for The New York Times, Salon.com, GreatSchools.com, SFGate.com, San Francisco Bay Guardian, and others. He is a speaker for Extinction Rebellion.

Ken Boettcher: Denialism & Inaction: Survival Is Up to Working People
Ken graduated from Stan State last year with a Master of Arts in History. Life experiences include careers in writing, video production and graphics. Ken organized Phi Alpha Theta’s 4-evening 2019 Stan State Symposium on the Climate Crisis and founded the registered student organization Climate Action Now! at Stanislaus State.

Cosponsored by Climate Action Now!, Council on Sustainable Futures, and Phi Alpha Theta

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