The Academic Program Review Timeline is now tracked through Curriculog

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Target Date  
By May 01 AVP (Academic Affairs) contacts college deans and department chairs/program administrators for programs entering into Year 6 of the APR cycle. Programs entering into Year 6 are provided with 3 WTUs of assigned time from the Office of Assessment for department chair or delegate. Department chairs will confirm with the AVP the individual to receive assigned time and the Year 6 semester when assigned time will be taken.

Target Date  
September 30 The Office of Assessment sends a list of Year 3 and Year 6 programs to the ASL subcommittee. The ASL subcommittee Chair contacts Year 3 and Year 6 programs to determine a need for an assessment plan review (optional).
By December 01 AVP (Academic Affairs) meets with department chairs/program administrators and program faculty and/or holds one-on-one sessions to discuss the academic program review process and discuss data provided by institutional research, as required for the academic program review.
By March 16 Department chair/program administrator and college dean determine the need for an external evaluation. If appropriate, an external consultant will be invited to assist in the self-study phase of the academic program review process.
March 01 – May 29 Department chair and dean identify process and timeline for milestones for completion and identify/arrange for external consultants (as appropriate).
March 16 – May 29 Program faculty and department chair begin draft review of data and begin draft of self study.
March 16 (Year 6) 
February 01 (Year 7)
Program faculty and department chair conduct the self study and complete the self-study document, including recommendations and a preliminary implementation plan.
May 31 (Year 6) Department submits a preliminary draft (electronic) of the APR to the Office of Assessment.

Target Date  
September 15 (Year 7) Department submits the preliminary draft self study and supporting materials to the college dean for external evaluation (if applicable). The college dean submits self study to external consultants (as applicable).
February 01 Department submits self study and supporting materials (electronic and hardcopy) to the college dean.
February 1 – 27 College dean submits self study to college committees (as appropriate) and submits an electronic copy to the Office of Assessment
February 1 – April 30 College governance committee(s) reviews the self study, requests additional materials as needed, summarizes findings, and forwards the self study to the department chair/program administrator.
February 01 – April 30 Office of Assessment forwards the self study to UEPC (if requested by department/program), GE Subcommittee (as applicable), and/or to the Graduate Council (for master’s and post-baccalaureate programs).
February 01 – April 30 General Education Subcommittee reviews the General Education portion of the self study, summarizes findings, and forwards the recommendations for recertification of the GE curriculum (lower- and upper-division) to the department chair/program administrator.
February 01 – April 30 UEPC (if requested by department/ program) and/or Graduate Council ( for master’s and post-baccalaureate programs ) reviews the self study, summarizes the findings, and forwards the document and findings to the department chair/program coordinator and college dean.
April 30-May 29 Department chair, program coordinator, and/or program faculty meet with college dean to discuss and finalize implementation plan. The final implementation plan will identify resource needs consistent with the recommendations of reviewing committees and consistent with the university mission and strategic plan.
May 29 – June 30 College dean finalizes self study to include recommendations from external reviewer(s) (if applicable); responses from the department (if any); recommendations from the college governance committee(s), UEPC, and/or Graduate Council; and dean’s recommendation for program continuance, continuance with conditions, or program discontinuance
By June 30 College dean submits to the AVP the self study; recommendations from external reviewer(s) (if applicable); responses from the department (if any); recommendations from the college governance committee(s), UEPC, and/or Graduate Council; and dean’s recommendation for program continuance, continuance with conditions, or program discontinuance.

Target Date  
September – October Office of Assessment schedules a meeting to include the program representative(s), the department chair/program administrator, the college dean, the AVP, and the provost to discuss the results of the academic program review and the final implementation plan.
By December 1 Provost issues a letter indicating final determination of program continuance and additionally may require progress reports and a timeline related to specific elements of the final implementation plan.
By December 15 Office of Assessment archives the academic program review documents and posts to the university Accountability Management System.
By January 15 AVP for Academic Affairs provides a summary of academic program reviews to the Board of Trustees.

College dean incorporates the results of the academic program review into the college’s strategic and budget planning processes and forwards to the provost as part of the regular planning and budgetary processes within academic affairs and within the university’s strategic planning processes.

Department chair/program administrator submits annual reports (due November) based on program review implementation plan to college dean.

College dean reviews annual reports, signs, and develops a memo with findings and recommendations. Dean submits electronic and hardcopy annual reports and corresponding memos to the Office of Assessment by May 31.

Accredited programs will follow the applicable timeline steps as they apply to the accrediting agency’s due date and timeline for the program’s self study.

After completion of the accreditation review, and upon receipt of the accrediting agency’s determination letter, the Department chair/program administrator requests of the college dean a substitution for the academic program review document (Appendix 2).

College dean determines whether the accreditation review process fulfills all or a portion of the academic program review in accordance with any CSU or Stanislaus State mandated requirements and communicates decision to the department chair/program administrator.

College dean submits completed substitution for the academic program review documents to the Offices of Accreditation and Assessment. The Office of Assessment forwards the self study to UEPC (if applicable) General Education Subcommittee or Graduate Council for review.

General Education Subcommittee reviews the General Education portion of the self study, summarizes findings, and forwards the recommendations for recertification of the GE curriculum (lower- and upper-division) to the department chair/program administrator.

UEPC and/or Graduate Council (as appropriate) reviews the self study substitution and Accreditation report, summarizes the findings, and forwards the document and findings to the department chair/program coordinator and college dean.

Office of Assessment schedules a meeting to include the program representative(s), the department chair/program administrator, the college dean, the AVP, and the provost to discuss the results of the accreditation self study and the recommendations. If periodic reporting is not required by the accrediting agency, an implementation plan will be developed for the university’s annual reporting process.

Updated: April 24, 2023