Power & Utility Outage

Before Normal Business Hours (< 8 a.m.)

  • Employees should activate department emergency contact phone trees to share information.
  • Students and employees should call 1-877-STAN-411 (877-782-6411) or check the Emergency website or the University website for updates.
  • University Police and Facilities staff will coordinate the dissemination of emergency instructions.

During the Day

  • The campus emergency hotline: 1-877-STAN-411 (877-782-6411) will have recorded message(s) for updates on the situation.
  • Employees should activate department emergency contact phone trees to share information.
  • Employees will be expected to remain on campus, as long as conditions are safe. Supervisors may release staff from campus as appropriate.
  • Course instructors will be the primary source of information for their students, and will determine if lighting is sufficient for instruction to continue or if class should be interrupted or dismissed.
  • Faculty who dismiss their classes because of the power outage should report their action to the department chair.
  • Department chairs are to notify their respective deans.
  • The dining facility will be open for students and employees excused from their classrooms or work site until power is restored, and the group will be notified when power is restored. Because the cafeteria also is dependent upon electricity, food service will not be available. Status of the electrical blackout will be posted at one half hour increments (e.g. 11:00 a.m., 11:30a.m.) at the north and south entrances of the dining hall.
  • If you have a disability or another access and functional need, it is important that you establish a "buddy system" and educate your "buddy" regarding the type of assistance needed to evacuate or take cover during a utility failure.
  • Employees who leave their workspaces should take their personal items and lock the door behind them.
  • Emergency corridor lighting in buildings will come on for a period of time and fire alarms should be operational.
  • Building Monitors are to confirm that all elevators have been cleared, and will post "do not use" signage.
  • If you are in an elevator during an outage use the emergency phone to notify University Police at extension 3114.
  • Enclosed offices without lights should not be occupied. Where lighting is adequate employees will be expected to continue working.
  • Campus telephones should not be used except in case of emergency.
  • Cellular and pay telephones will operate normally.
  • Turn off any equipment that was still in service (except IT equipment that is operating on its own uninterruptible power supplies) in order to avoid power surges when service is restored. Leave a task light turned on so that you can determine when service is restored.
  • Avoid opening refrigerators, freezers, or other environmental control rooms during the outage.
  • Do not us candles for illumination. Use battery flashlights and lamps instead.
  • Once power returns, all staff employees should report back to their area and faculty and students should report to their next scheduled class and resume normal operations.

After Dark

  • Students, faculty and staff are expected to leave campus if power stays off. Faculty who dismiss their classes because of the power outage should report their action to the department chair. Department chairs are to notify their respective deans.
  • Course instructors will be the primary source of information for their students. The Facilities Services staff will coordinate with University Police to communicate with instructors regarding the operational status of the campus.
  • If you have a disability or another access and functional need, it is important that you establish a "buddy system" and educate your "buddy" regarding the type of assistance needed to evacuate or take cover during a utility failure.
  • University Police vehicles will operate with identifying lighting, if you need assistance flag down these vehicles.
  • When leaving campus walk with another individual or group whom you trust.
  • Escort shuttles will be available for transportation and have two-way radio communications with University Police.
  • The campus emergency telephone number 1-877-STAN-411 (877-782-6411) will carry a recorded message so that individuals can call for updates on the situation.

Bomb Threats

  • Bomb Threat Training Video
  • Download Bomb Threat Checklist.pdf
  • If you should spot a suspicious object, package etc., call 9-1-1 and report it. Do not touch, tamper with or move a suspicious item.
  • If you are notified by telephone of a bomb within a building, do not hang up the line the call was received on. Go to another phone to contact the University Police, immediately.
  • Building evacuation may be directed by the University President or designee; classes would remain in session and meet in an alternate location.
  • If you have a disability or another access and functional need, it is important that you establish a "buddy system" and educate your "buddy" regarding the type of assistance needed to evacuate or take cover during a bomb threat.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter a building until clearance authorization has been given by University Police personnel.
  • Immediately notify University Police personnel if you know a disabled or injured person needing assistance.

Hazardous Materials Incident

  • Confine the spill, leak, fumes or fire by shutting the room door.
  • Do not touch and avoid contact with the material. If time permits, locate the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any identifiable materials. You can find it online at: MSDSonline
  • Sound the building  FIRE ALARM  so evacuation can begin.
  • Call the University Police Department at  9-1-1  (Turlock Campus) or 209-993-3469 (Stockton Campus Securitas Security) from any campus phone, or use an emergency blue light call box.

Give your:

  • name
  • department
  • location of the emergency
  • nature of the incident
  • and description of the material.

Safely walk to the nearest exit and go to an evacuation gathering area away from the building then wait for further instructions. Do not return to the building until instructed that it is safe to do so.  Even SUSPECTED hazardous material leaks or suspicious odors should be reported.

If you have a disability or another access and functional need, it is important that you establish a "buddy system" and educate your "buddy" regarding the type of assistance needed to evacuate or shelter-in-place during a hazardous material incident.

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Updated: August 18, 2023