Subcommittee Charge

The Assessment of Student Learning Subcommittee provides guidance on the extent and type of academic assessment initiatives.  The specific responsibilities of the Assessment of Student Learning Subcommittee, as formulated by the UEPC, are as follows:

  1. Develop policies and procedures related to assessment of student learning to be submitted to UEPC for review and approval.
  2. As requested by academic programs, review and make recommendations regarding the mission and scope of assessment plans to promote and improve student learning and the implementation of those plans within the University’s academic programs.
  3. Facilitate activities and information sharing to promote best practices in program and department assessment.
  4. Establish meeting dates by semester, to be published to the campus community. Submit agendas and meeting minutes to the Recording Secretary of the UEPC and transmit all agendas and meeting minutes to the campus community via electronic networks.
  5. Submit an annual year-end report to the UEPC, to include a summary of the year’s events and recommendations for follow up actions.
  6. Review each department/program's assessment practices/plan on a seven-year cycle in coordination with the department/program's seven-year academic program review. Provide developmental feedback regarding their practices/plans to the department/ program. Providing annual summative feedback regarding general issues of interest to faculty to UEPC.

Approved by UEPC 3/08/01
Amended and Approved UEPC:rle 10/11/07
Amended and Approved UEPC:rle 3/13/08
Amended and Approved UEPC:rle 11/29/12
Amended and Approved UEPC:ss 2/28/19

Membership for 2023/24

  • TBD

2023/24 Meetings

Visit University Wide Committee Meeting Schedules

Updated: March 22, 2024