
Facilitator Members
Brett Ashmun, Liberal Studies - Umar Ghuman, Political Science & Public Administration
​- Dave Colnic, Political Science & Public Administration
- Elvin Aleman, Chemistry
- Mary Jo Stanley, School of Nursing


Defining Civic Engagement

The Civic Engagement FLC began by reviewing the VALUE Rubric definition of civic engagement and other literature. After reviewing the literature, the GLC developed a working definition of Civic Engagement:

Civic engagement is actively working towards the development of students and faculty who are informed and aware so that we can strengthen the communities in which we live. To be civically engaged we must continually remind ourselves to slow down and take time to feel the pulse/breath of our community. We will seek understanding, and we will be active. Above all, we will be guided by empathy, advocacy, and inclusion. 

In order to successfully implement civic engagement at the university, it is our responsibility to assist students with the resources needed and with instilling a deep (lifelong) understanding of the importance of civic engagement and supporting faculty in designing curriculum that provides opportunities for students, faculty, and community members to come together in supportive relationships for the sake of the advancement of the people who form our community

The FLC decided that it would be beneficial to continue to gather campus feedback on the definition and organized a focus group session for faculty in spring 2018. In fall 2018, focus group data will be used to develop a survey to departments. 


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Updated: August 22, 2023