Bid Solicitations

This page is for informational purposes only and is a list of formal or public works bids. The accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed. Prospective bidders should contact the buyer or the CalUsource website, whichever is appropriate, to verify all data or to receive any of the bids listed below. Any bid results provided are raw data only. Until award is made, the “apparent awardee” is subject to verification of information and final determination that their bid is responsive and responsible.

* Interested parties can find information regarding these RFP events and register to participate at the CalUsource website. Note: To view detailed information on this RFP event (and many others across both the California State University and University of California systems), register by clicking on the symbol in the upper right-hand corner.

Bid Listings

Number Name Buyer Opening Results/Awards Additional Documents
MEA CSUSTA1896 Task Order-Construction Agreement for Multiple Projects Rhonda Willson    


Health Center Transformer Replacement Project Rhonda Willson    
23-413 Buildings 004, 005, and 015 HVAC Replacement (REPOST) Debbie DaRosa    
21-381 Groundwater Recharge Station (REPOST) Rhonda Willson    
CSUSTRFP20112 Bookstore Loading Dock Project Rhonda Willson    
22-396 Gymnasium Main Switchboard Replacement Project Rhonda Willson    
CSUSTANRFP 00000482-2023  Stan State Magazine Julie Anderson    
ST-02159 Telecom Fiber & Tertiary Pathways Project, Phase 1 Rhonda Willson    
ST-02286 Acacia Court HVAC Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa    
23-411 Irrigation & Pump Station Upgrade Project Rhonda Willson    
21-381 Groundwater Recharge Station Project Rhonda Wilson    

View Updated Project Listing

ST-02552 ASH Residence Life Village IV Debbie DaRosa    
22-409 Chilled and Heating Hot Water Lines, Phase 1 David Sawyer    
23-414 Cafeteria Walk-Ins Replacement Project David Sawyer May 30, 2023  
23-413 Buildings 004, 005, and 015 HVAC Replacements David Sawyer August 3, 2023, 2:00 p.m.  
21-380 Gymnasium & Locker Room HVAC Project David Sawyer    
21-371 Naraghi Hall of Science Lighting Replacement Project David Sawyer March 9, 2023  
(Addendum 1)
Auxiliary Audit Services Julie Anderson October 11, 2022

Bid Abstract
Intent to Award


(Addendum 1)
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(Addendum 3)
(Addendum 4)
(Addendum 5)

Magnolia Mansion Renewal Re-bid David Sawyer   RFQ Shortlist
RFQ Shortlist
RFQ Rev. 2

(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
(Addendum 3)
(Addendum 4)
(Addendum 5)
(Addendum 6)

Child Development Center Project David Sawyer May 5, 2022 Intent to Award
14622 Corporation Yard Air Handler Replacement Project David Sawyer February 24, 2022 Intent to Award

(Addendum 1)

Main Dining Trellis Replacement Project David Sawyer February 24, 2022 Intent to Award

(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
(Addendum 3)
(Addendum 4)
(Addendum 5)

Electrical Vault Relocation Project David Sawyer March, 10, 2022 Intent to Award
ST-1995 Request for Qualifications for Collaborative Design-Build Project Acacia Hall David Sawyer March 22, 2022 RFQ Short List
Intent to Award
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
(Addendum 3)
Health Center Air Handler Replacement Project
​(Equipment and Install) Rebid
David Sawyer June 3, 2021 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
(Addendum 3)
(Addendum 4)
Health Center Air Handler Replacement Project
(Underground Work Only)
David Sawyer June 3, 2021 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
(Addendum 3)
Library Move Julie Anderson Mar. 16, 2021 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
Health Center Air Handler Replacement Project David Sawyer Mar. 25, 2021 Bid Abstract
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
Solar PV Array Student Center Design Build Project Debbie DaRosa Jan. 14, 2021    
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
DBH Computer Lab Air Handler Replacement Project David Sawyer Dec. 1, 2020 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
Main Dining Electrical Upgrade David Sawyer Sept. 29, 2020 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
13123 Drama Re-Heat Coils Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa April 9, 2020 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
13124 Elevator Controls Modernization Project David Sawyer April 7, 2020 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
(Addendum 3)
Parking Lot #11 Reconstruction Debbie DaRosa April 2, 2020 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award
12897 SRC Exercise Room Flooring Replacement Debbie 
March 12, 2020 Bid Abstract  
(Addendum 1)
Central Plant Transfer Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa February 20, 2020 Bid Abstract  
19108 Task Order Construction Agrmt for Multiple Projects Debbie DaRosa January 23, 2020 Bid Abstract
Intent of Award Notice
RFQ Short List
19106 Solar Photovoltaic Array Lot 4 Canopy Debbie DaRosa December 5, 2019 Bid Abstract  
19105 Website Design & Development Phyllis Crittendon November 19, 2019    
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
Housing Utility Connections Project Debbie DaRosa September 26, 2019 Intent to Award Notice  
12315 Fieldhouse Electrical Upgrade Project Debbie DaRosa April 23, 2019 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award Notice
12146 Drama Air Handler Replacement Debbie DaRosa April 2, 2019 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award Notice
18106 Library Move Debbie DaRosa February 12, 2019 Bid Abstract  
(Addendum 1)
Brand Refresh Phyllis Crittendon January 3, 2019 Intent to Award Notice  
18105 Library Collection Moving and Storage RFP Debbie DaRosa November 20, 2018 Summary Abstract
Intent to Award Notice
11952 Fieldhouse Office HVAC Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa November 8, 2018 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award Notice
11548 Student Service Transformer Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa August 14, 2018 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award Notice
11529 Arts Complex Electrical Upgrade  Debbie DaRosa July 10, 2018 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award Notice
*CSUSTRFP18102 Campus Dining Services Karen Meade July 10, 2018    
11543 Central Plant Renewal Project-Phase I, Chiller Plant Modifications Debbie DaRosa June 21, 2018 Bid Abstract  
11403 Parking Lot #3 Renovation Project Debbie DaRosa March 20, 2018 Bid Abstract  
(Addendum 1)
Request for Proposal External Audit Services Julie Anderson January 25, 2018 Intent to Award Notice
Bid Abstract
10800 Central Plant Boiler Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa July 27, 2017 Bid Abstract  
ST-01406 Library Renovation Collaborative Design Build Services Debbie DaRosa July 18, 2017 RFQ Short List  
10389-REBID Solar Photovoltaic at Cafeteria Design Build Rebid Debbie DaRosa May 19, 2017 Bid Abstract  
10671 Music Air Handler Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa   Bid Abstract  
(Addendum 1)
External Audit Services Julie Anderson   Bid Abstract
Intent to Award Notice 
(Addendum 1)
Solar Photovoltaic at Cafeteria Debbie DaRosa   NO BIDS  
Instructions to Bidders
Job Order Contract Julie Anderson December 6, 2016 Bid Abstract
Intent to Award Notice
16-262 University Union Renovation Project Debbie DaRosa   Bid Abstract  
PR2016 Pouring Right 2016 Julie Anderson   Bid Abstract
Bid Award (PepsiCoca ColaScoresheets)
Intent to Award Notice
9908 Corp Yard and Boiler Plant Re-Roof Project Debbie DaRosa March 1, 2016 Bid Abstract
Bid Award
16-262 University Union Renovation/Expansion Project Debbie DaRosa March 29, 2016 RFP Shortlist  
9900 PE Gym Cooling Project Debbie DaRosa January 26, 2016 Bid Abstract
Bid Award
Instructions to Bidders
Job Order Contract Julie Anderson November 10, 2015 Bid Abstract
Bid Award
9496 Central Plant Switchgear Replacement Project Debbie DaRosa October 20, 2015 Bid Abstract  
9353 Swimming Pool Renovation Debbie DaRosa April 28, 2015 Bid Abstract  
9286 Cafeteria Transformer Project Debbie DaRosa April 2, 2015 Bid Abstract  
9287 Library Switchgear Debbie DaRosa April 2, 2015 Bid Abstract  
9288 Cafeteria Re-Roof Debbie DaRosa March 19, 2015 Bid Abstract
Bid Award
9289 Library Re-Roof Debbie DaRosa March 19, 2015 Bid Abstract
Bid Award
Instructions to Bidders
Job Order Contract Julie Anderson Sept 16, 2014 Bid Abstract
Bid Award
(Addendum 1)
Corp Yard Emergency Generator Replacement Debbie DaRosa June 5, 2014 Bid Award  
(Pre-Bid Attendance
Central Plant Cooling Tower Replacement Debbie DaRosa May 1, 2014 Bid Abstract
Bid Award
7916 Sewer Lift Station Project Debbie DaRosa Nov 14, 2013 Bid Results
Bid Award
(Addendum 1)
Emergency Generator & Photovoltaic for Irrigation Pump Station Debbie DaRosa Oct 1, 2013 Bid Results
Bid Award
(Addendum 1)
(Addendum 2)
Baseball/Softball Field Lighting Project Debbie DaRosa Technical:
Aug 22, 2013
Aug 29, 2013
Bid Results
Bid Award
(Addendum 1)
University Website Redesign Debbie DaRosa May 10, 2013 Bid Results
& Award
(Addendum 1)
Ed Services Building Reroof Project Debbie DaRosa April 30, 2013 Bid Results
Bid Award
(Addendum 1)
Drama/Music Buildings Reroof Project Debbie DaRosa April 30, 2013 Bid Results
Bid Award
09-157 Parking Lot 2 Reconstruction Project Debbie DaRosa April 9, 2013 Bid Results
Bid Award
(Addendum 1)
North Loop Connector to Christoffersen Debbie DaRosa Jan 31, 2012 Bid Results
Bid Award

Updated: September 09, 2024