Ecology and Sustainability (M.S.)

Program Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with a concentration in Ecological Conservation will

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the importance of ecosystem health;
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the importance of ecology and conservation with respect to ecosystem health;
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the multi‐dimensionality of maintaining or restoring ecosystem health;
  4. Demonstrate the skills to contribute solutions to these areas;
  5. Be able to provide much‐needed service to improve health and sustainability of ecosystems, resulting in more sustainable conditions in the Central Valley and/or other regions served by graduates of the program; and
  6. Be prepared to work with governmental agencies and private entities to bring about, restore, and maintain the biodiversity and environmental health that are backbones of sustainability.

Students graduating with a concentration in Ecological Economics will

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ecosystem services and the multi‐dimensionality of maintaining or restoring ecosystem health;
  2. Demonstrate a general knowledge of economics in order to work closely with economists to bring about changes that support ecosystem health;
  3. Be able to provide much‐needed service to businesses and governmental agencies, resulting in more sustainable conditions in the Central Valley and/or other regions served by the graduates of the program; and
  4. Be prepared to work with economists in various industries to bring about business/corporate/governmental changes that are environmentally sustainable and at the same time financially profitable.